Saturday, August 2, 2008

To All The NF's I've Loved Before....

Why do I love NF's so? I've been thinking about this recently, and thought I'd start jotting down some of the reasons. Here is what attracts me to them initially:

It's something about the eyes...."They" say the eyes are the window to the soul. There is certainly something to that. The eyes of any N go very deep, like an ocean. But the eyes of an NF are like the clear, sparkling blue waters of the Caribbean. The water is very deep, but you can see all the way to the bottom. And the water is so warm. You just want to dive in and wallow around in the honest warmth of it.

The eyes of an NT, on the other hand, are like the waters of the Jersey shore. Very murky, with a slightly suspicious odor, freezing cold, and once you step in, you have NO idea what is lurking below.

With an NF, there are dangers in the water, but you see them coming a mile away. The sharks have nowhere to hide. NT's sharks can come from anywhere, and you never see them coming.

(On a side note, SF's have those same freshly scrubbed eyes, but when you jump in you realize you're in the kiddie pool. The waters don't run very deep, but they are of the same clarity and warmth.)

I've been very lucky to have been surrounded by NF's in my life, and every single one of them has given me the same feelings: my Dad, my middle brother, his wife, my husband, my oldest son Colson, my best friend's parents, her oldest son and her husband. All of these NF's have the power to make me care, which makes them Superheros.

I have even met a new NF, in a class I've been attending at church. She has freshly scrubbed eyes, and I just want to put her in my pocket and take her home.

NF's eyes remind me for a few moments of all that is good and hopeful and inspirational about people and life. For me, talking to NF's is like being on vacation. They're my spoonful of sugar. I could live without them, but I'd be a miserable bastard....

So thank you, all of you NF's who've been part of my life, for keeping me from becoming my worst self.

I realize that after reading through my blog, ya'll probably think you still have much work to do...

Just imagine what I would be without you...

(I realize this post will only be understood by the Myers-Briggsians and Kierseyites out there..)

Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley


  1. I've been swimming in the kiddie pool my whole 27 years of marriage? So No, tell me what you really think.

  2. Some people like the kiddie pool. Sometimes the kiddie pool looks really good after being in the ocean for awhile. Much less work to stay afloat...
