Friday, August 1, 2008

Things That Make Me Cry, Part 1

I know that people think I never cry. My temperament unconsciously works very hard to make sure people never think otherwise.

But it's not true. I actually cry very often. I think people (especially my husband) would be interested to know what sorts of things make me cry.

So here is the first in the list of Suzanne's tear-jerkers: Passion combined with self-sacrifice and perseverance. If a person or story has these elements, I'm down for the count. For this reason, ever since I was a young girl, I have always loved the summer Olympics.

The stories of these athletes, especially the young kids, who have forsaken all of the trivialities of youth to train tirelessly in their chosen sport, can reduce me to a blubbering mess.

And then add in the stories of the parents who have sacrificed their lives to help their children become Faster, Higher, Stronger, and I could joyfully slit my wrists from the gut wrenching beauty of it all...

Stories of the underdogs from the never-heard-of-it countries, who came into the Olympics with no shot at all but then dug deep to find some hidden strength and won the gold medal always make me reach for the hem of my t-shirt to wipe my nose.

Watching a little gymnast execute a perfect vault with a broken ankle, watching a father run down onto the field and help his injured son make it to the finish line, even watching a girl so desperate for an Olympic medal that she would hire someone to bash her toughest competition in the kneecap with a tireiron, emotions hit me so deep in my gut that I feel like throwing up.

Even just clicking on the MP3 widget and hearing the Olympic theme song makes my throat well up....

And I love that feeling...

August 8th can't come soon enough.

Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley


  1. I hate the Olympics.

    -Corporate sponsorship: the preferred chewing tobacco of the luge team

    -Television coverage monopoly


    -The ridiculous drug standards

    -The pomposity of "heros"; real heros are dead

    -How to define "amateur"

    But at least it's only two weeks, and it's over there.

  2. INTP's have no soul. You are only looking at what the world makes of the Olympics. I see what is in the athlete's souls...the spirit of Olympics. That little African boy running across the desert barefoot with a dream of someday winning a gold medal. He doesn't know that gold medal comes with a Nike ad and a Wheaties box (the American kids do, I'm sure, but whatever)....

  3. And INTJ's have their head in the stratosphere. You "see" what's in their soul? Right... you see only what NBC shows you. The marketers create the story, and you buy it.

    It's simple sports soap opera, with a pinch of nationalistic manipulation. I'll watch Sue's "Young & Restless" before...

  4. And INTP's have their heads so far up their own a$$es that everything they see is through brown colored glasses!

  5. "The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity."

    Oh, please...
