Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Heroes, Part 1

I've been waiting a few days to write this post, in the hopes that I wouldn't bawl all over my laptop keys in the process.

I have very few heroes in this life, as you may well imagine. But there are a few, and I will start with the most recent addition to my list.

My 4th oldest niece, Brooke Suzanne (totally coincidental, or maybe providential??), has joined my short list.

A couple of years ago, Brooke came to me to finally share a story of something awful that happened to her as a young girl. She came to me, knowing that something similar had happened to me. When she told me, many years had passed since that time. She had been working through it with the help of her boyfriend, and Life Counseling.

She was then able to do what I wasn't; she figured out what she wanted to do about the situation, what would bring about the most healing for her. And then she did it. Her choice involved her having to do something that had to be the scariest, and most painful thing I've ever heard of, but she did it with the strongest of resolve.

She is the toughest cookie you'd ever want to meet, and yet through her horrifying experience, she never lost her love for God, or her heart for people.

She has recently gotten engaged, and I couldn't be any happier. After what she's been through, marriage and child-raising should be a breeze for her!

If you ever get a chance to meet her, listen closely and take notes. She is a wonderful example of how to handle tragedy and break through to the other side without letting it ruin you.

And if you want a REAL role model for your daughters (Hannah Montana has NOTHING on her), introduce them to Brooke Lewis.

Welcome To Being Suzanne Mosley

p.s., does this post count as a wedding present??!?!?? ;o)


  1. Wow, Suzanne!!! Ummmm, i'm totally bawling all over my keyboard!!! LOVE YOU!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So what of those that choose not to share awful experiences??? Things aren't always shared for good reasons....

  4. I am only talking about my personal heroes, not heroes in general. There are tons of people in the world with similar stories to Brooke's. They just aren't personal to me. I can only talk about what I know, and what I've experienced.

    All of the other heroes in the world will have to wait for someone else to write about them! Everybody is somebody's hero. I wonder who I'm a hero to? Anybody?? Anybody?? Is this thing on???

  5. Also, those who don't share their experiences, have to be content with not being recognized. One can only have opinions about what they know.

    I love my kids much more than I love my next door neighbors kids. That's just the plain truth. You love what you know. Everyone is entitled to their own personal loves.

    In my case too, obviously this particular issue was close to my heart. It pushed my buttons and rang my bells. If Brooke had come to me and said that she wanted to go feed the starving children in Africa, she wouldn't be on my hero list.

  6. Suzanne... you're just soo discriminating.
