Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dishes of Steel

This has nothing to do with anything important, but it just needs to be said. Fiesta ware dishes are the sturdiest dishes around.

I got my Fiesta dishes way back in the day, almost 15 years ago. I have broken a few pieces over the years, but you will find nary a chip on the dishes that remain.

In contrast, the set of dishes I bought from Target only 6 years ago have chipped so much that food in our home is now served on ceramic shards. These dishes chip if they so much as graze another surface.

The description says "dishwasher safe". What that means is, the ceramic piece that chip off will be large enough that they won't get into your filter. So your dishwasher won't break, even though the dishes will.

My Fiesta ware dishes do not get hot in the microwave. You can heat up leftovers, and take the plate out with your bare hand.

Unlike the Target dishes, which will take the skin off of your hand after 30 seconds in the microwave.

This just goes to prove my husband's point...

Quality, quality, quality....It pays to buy quality...

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