Friday, July 4, 2008

Sorry Seems To Be The Most Irritating Word

I can't stand people who apologize all the time. I can't even explain how irritated I get inside when someone apologizes to me for some imagined slight that they've created in their own heads. I don't even need for someone to apologize to me for something they've done accidentally. If you're holding a knife in your hand, and you don't see me behind you, and you turn around quickly and slash me in the gut, I don't care if you say I'm sorry. You can't apologize for something that was completely accidental. You can say "wow! that was a rotten thing that just happened!", or "oh my goodness, I can't believe that I just slashed you in the gut!". The best thing to do, in my mind, is to help me stop bleeding. Drive me to the hospital. But, to me, apologizing in that situation is just very selfish. You say it to make yourself feel better. But you don't need to feel bad in the first place. It was an accident.


Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley

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