Friday, July 4, 2008

My Style Will Not Be Ignored

Today I shall quote some recent "knowledge drops" from that great thinker, Eric Lewis...

"....Like Forrester said, "write, don't think". Most blog posts should be rough drafts. Ignore Suzanne's style.

Remember Seth Godin. Blogging is supposed to be conversation, not preaching. It's two way. You say something wrong, someone comments, you make a correction. Much, much better than having never said it to start. The reader feels much more like a participant."

I guess, as usual, he's right. I don't really care how my readers feel, but the guys upstairs at Studio 54 might get a kick out of hearing it. I really don't know how to write and not think, but maybe I'll give that a try once in awhile. And feel free to converse back with me. The bouncer will know what to do with you.

Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley.

1 comment:

  1. Those comments were meant for Dad. They won't work on you. Not that they'll work for him, but we're trying. Telling you to write w/o thinking is like telling Amy to write.
