Saturday, July 5, 2008

Jobs That Are Insane, Part 1

Walmart Greeters.

Need I say more? Whoever created this job has never met me. If you think that having an old lady sitting in a chair saying "Hello, welcome to Walmart" in a monotone voice is going to do ANYTHING but piss me off, you are insane. I go into Walmart to buy things. I do not go there for the ambiance. Walmart is not an experience, it's cheap toilet paper.

Are there really people in the world who will spend more money because an old lady said "Hello" in a monotone voice??? "Wow! That old lady spoke to me! I suddenly feel like I need to buy a 50 inch flat screen TV!"

I never make eye contact with them, but it doesn't stop them from speaking to me.


Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley

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