Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So Happy Together?????

This past Sunday morning, I asked my husband (Mr. ENFP) if he would mind taking the kids to church without me, so that I could clean the house without them around. He agreed, even though he isn't the biggest fan of doing things with less than the full family unit.

As he was getting dressed, he said "But wouldn't you rather we all clean the house together?".

Okay....I will try to describe the sensations that occur to my body when I hear the word "together". First, the walls start moving slowly towards where I'm standing. Then, my ears start to feel "full", as if there is pressure building all around my brain, and it is about to explode out of the closest holes. Lastly come the biting ants. They start crawling up my arms, taking little bites all the way up, and make their way quickly down my torso to my legs. I actually have to resist the urge to slap at them, they feel so real...

As I've explained before, I have to prepare for togetherness. I can only take so much of it. And I NEVER think to do "tasks" together. Mainly for reasons of efficiency. I can clean the house so much faster all by myself, than if I am delegating tasks out to people. Also, I can not abide having discussions ABOUT tasks while DOING tasks. It's just all so foreign to me.

My husband would be happy if, as a family, we spend every waking hour together...eating together, working together, playing together, shopping together, travelling together, living/laughing/loving together, you get my point...
And I love him for it. After all, what could be wrong about wanting to spend all of your time with the ones you love??
I will admit, the times when my husband has convinced me to do something "together", I usually end up enjoying myself. Which is probably why God brought him into my life...but no matter how many good together times he's able to force me to have, it will never be my instinct to do together...I will always have to fight the ants.
Fortunately, he'll never stop trying.
Sorry baby.
Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley

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