Friday, July 18, 2008

I Sound Like Pollyanna...

So I had a huge realization last weekend at the dance competition. I have spent 15 years, off and on, in an organization in which I have not developed one serious relationship.

Why? Take a guess:

1) I don't like to expend any energy on people who aren't in my inner circle.
2) I just assume that people aren't going to "get" me, and thus am doing them a favor.
3) I am a complete introvert, and have a very hard time initiating relationships.
4) If I put time into a relationship with "outside" people, I am gypping my "inner" people
5) General people have nothing to offer me
6) I don't believe most people are sincere
7) I just don't care about people
8) All of the above

If you answered 8, you are correct.

I had a VERY rare moment of vulnerability last weekend, and suddenly realized that maybe, just maybe, these people that I've been ignoring might actually have an interest in me. That they just might be sincere in their caring for me. That I may have been shutting out people who could add something lovely to my life.

I have resolved to keep my mind open to putting more effort into new relationships.

To be continued....We'll see how this goes.

Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley


  1. All abstracts need a Concrete persona. That, or just marry one.

  2. And, by the way, thank you, thank you for adding Sheryl to the playlist to balance Babs.
