Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wake Up Little Suzie, Wake Up

My absolute favorite time of the day is that moment right before you fall asleep, when you are still conscious enough to realize you're about to fall asleep. When you feel it coming, that heaviness in your chest, like your heart is sinking into a pit. It's like that moment at the peak of a rollercoaster hill. When you know that in one more second, you will be flying straight down a mountain. I could live in that moment forever...sweet anticipation.

I wish I could somehow consciously experience sleep.

Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley


  1. "You know that feeling when you're leaning back in a chair, and then you lean back too far and start to fall and just at the last second you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time."

  2. That's actually a really good feeling's kind of the opposite of the almost asleep feeling. Your feeling gets the heart jump started. Both goodies...

  3. Hi Suzanne,

    Just found your blog. Another fun-loving INTJ gal is my friend Diane Karchner at You might want to connect with her.

    From one INTJ to another...just wanted to let you know I've enjoyed your comments and interactions. I don't agree with you...but have you ever met two INTJ's who do? What fun would that be?

    You write well. Keep at it.

    Brian Jones

  4. Thanks for the encouragement. I've seen you write that you are an INTJ...gotta say, that is a hot topic in our family! Some of us are self-proclaimed Myers-Briggs experts (yes, it's not just too much BIBLE reading that causes arrogance, too much Keirsey reading has the same effect!), and we wonder about you. Someday we'll have to talk in person so I can get a better read on you. I can't base my opinion on your "stage" persona.
