So, my ultra compassionate niece Victoria has decided to show us all up and go build toilets in the Dom Rep. Hey, you're not better than me. I saved a stray dog once. And then found out it belonged to people who lived 1/8th of a mile down the road. So I guess in reality I stole the dog. But it's the thought, right?? Anyway, please take the time to read her letter and give some thought to supporting her in this endeavor!
Dear Family & Friends (that's you guys, so pay attention!),
Recently I made a decision to go on a short-term mission’s trip with Goshen Baptist Church from July 16-24. I am so excited about this opportunity that God is giving me to share His love in the Dominican Republic! Goshen Baptist Church has partnered with Food for the Hungry ( and has been going to a town called Sabana Cruz for 5 years, and this year I am so grateful to be joining a team of 22 people to continue the work that has already been started. As shown below we will be landing in Santa Domingo, and traveling to a town called Sabana Cruz which is on the border of Haiti. (We will actually be bathing in the river that separates Sabana Cruz from Haiti) Relationships with the local people in Sabana Cruz have already been established and are continuing to grow year by year. While in Sabana Cruz our team will be building severely needed latrines (these bring the childhood death way down), pouring cement floors in place of mud floors in homes, deliver much needed supplies (aspirin, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, washcloths, etc…), and most importantly, tell of Christ’s love and our love for them. Circled below is where we will be serving, along with children in a local home of Sabana Cruz.
We will also be going on home visits, and will be able to be involved with the local community through various sporting events including soccer and the infamous end of week baseball game. We will be having a vacation bible school throughout the week and we will all have the opportunity to create even more long lasting relationships with the amazing people of Sabana Cruz! Many adults there can not read or write, and most live on much less than $1000 a year. Here’s where I need your help….
My team and I will need lots of prayer for this trip! God has incredible plans for Sabana Cruz, and all we need to do is rely on Him. We will need prayer every step of the way. In addition, I will need financial support. This trip will cost approximately $1800 per person, which covers all construction supplies for the latrines and cement floors, transportation, living arrangements, and food. Right now I am trusting that God will provide all that we need to make this trip possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and learning about Sabana Cruz. If you would like to learn more about the Sabana Cruz or the trip itself don’t hesitate to call or email me: 484-947-8435 or If you would like to prayerfully or financially support me, please fill out the bottom slip and either:
Return to me personally
Mail to Goshen Baptist Church
1451 West Chester Pike
West Chester PA 19380
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
In Christ,
Victoria Rupple
Please make check payable to: Victoria Rupple
Goshen Baptist Church and 1134 Laurel Drive
West Chester PA, 19380
On memo line write DR 2011
From: __________________
Please include this section with any correspondence:
____ I will pray for Tori and the Goshen team heading to Sabana Cruz
____ I would like to donate $____________ towards the Dominican Republic trip
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