Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Best From Down Unduh

Yesterday morning I woke up with Rolf Harris melodies running through my head. If you don't know Rolf Harris, he is an Australian singer/songwriter/comic. My parents had his All Together Now LP when I was growing up (why? not sure...maybe Dad went to Australia and brought it back?), and it was probably the most listened to music in our house. This LP was only second to the Bill Cosby stand-up routines LPs. Andrew and I spent hours at a time listening to and singing these songs. I adored Rolf's accent and his ability to tell a story not only with his lyrics, but with his intonation and inflection. I shall now share his genius with you.

I can't listen to Rolf sing Waltzing Matilda without getting a little misty-eyed, as if I've suddenly become a displaced Aboriginal Australian who longs for her homeland.

Every now and then, for absolutely no reason at all, this lyric runs through my's like my brain masturbating for a moment, indulging in the delightful combination of tongue twisting lyric played against the syncopated rhythm, "Now if you want to take some pictures of the the fascinating witches who put the scintillating stitches in the britches of the boys who put the powder on the noses of the faces of the ladies of the haram of the court of King Caractacus, you're TOO LATE!!!!!! (TOO Late???)" (in fact, my brain just went and did it again twice while writing this...shameful)

Maximilian Mouse, one of the greatest story songs ever. Download this one for your children. Well, download them all for your children, but this one especially.

Another amazing story song, Six White Boomers. This one filled (to be honest, FILLS) my soul with Christmas magic, and made (makes) me long to live in a country that had a story so much cooler than flying reindeer with glowing noses.

My first taste of, and still the standard by which I measure all, beatboxing. Andrew and I will occasionally bust out a little "he, honh, he, huh-uu-uu-uh... he, honh, he, huh-uu-uu-uuh..." (, it's hard to type in beatbox...)

And if your children don't adore I've Lost My Mummy and ask for you to play it over and over and over, I'll refund you the $1.29 it costs to download it....(my own Mummy choreographed a little routine for me when I was a teenager, for the church talent show, in which I lip-synched this song while changing hats for each part; the child, the store worker, and the mother.)

So many more songs from that album, but these were the only ones I could find to share. If you get a chance, go to iTunes and download these songs for yourself and for your children. You moms are guaranteed to have quiet in the car as long as Rolf Harris is playing through the speakers.


  1. Suzanne: THANK YOU for posting these! LBY and I just spent ten minutes sitting in front of the breakfast table listening to "I've Lost My Mommy", and we now have King Caracticus ALMOST memorized!

    My own Baldwin family's Caracticus song is "Whover Shall Have some Good Peanuts", which ended (in our singing of it):
    "Whosoever shall have plenty of patent-reversible sit-on-and-mash-'em operatic silk plug hats, and giveth his neighbor none / He shan't have any of my patent-reversible sit-on-and-mash-'em operatic silk plug hats when his patent-reversible sit-on-and-mash-'em operatic silk plug hats are gone..."

    Itunes link:

    Once again, THANK YOU, Suzanne! This is GOLD!

  2. The mystery of why Rolf Harris was in our house....a New Zealand missionary lived with us in Texas for six weeks and the album was one of hia many gifts to us. This was a couple years before you were born.
