Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm 103% Sure That This Is Over

I know you've been on pins and needles all night, waiting to hear what "Koach" has to say today. I will end your agony. Or more accurately, prolong it by letting you read this letter.

Hello Suzanne,
Thanks for writing! How is your health? How are you and Jesus getting along? How is school? I am doing very well. Putting the finishing touches on my book. Praying for good and warmer weather!

I believe humor is very important. "Laughter is good medicine for the soul" the good news says. I like to laugh alot! I enjoy being with and talking to people who are genuine and have a zest for life. Like those who are enthused about God and His holy word!

I enjoy studying God's word. I enjoy learning more about Jesus by praying, singing, dancing, and fellowshiping with Jesus. I want to do like Jesus did - pray for the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and have love and compassion for people! I believe and live knowing that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!

I believe that a friend and/or a relationship is more important than filling out a job application. One of the ways to become friends and build a relationship is to ask a lot of questions. "Ask and you shall receive".

I would like to answer some of your questions. I don't like abortion or believe in it. All human life is precious inside and outside the mother's womb. After all we are made in God's image! I feel sorry, dispair, grief, grief, disappointment, and empty when I think about the 20 million babies being aborted. That is murder!

I had a great family life growing up! Two great parents, 3 lovely sisters, and 3 great brothers! I enjoy and love my family. I love big families and look forward to having my own!

I love gospel music the best! Gospel music that moves or gospel that is nice to listen to when you are with someone you care about! I listen to gospel music 97% of the time. I watch for lyrics in those songs.

One of most daily challenges is dealing with people and how often they change their minds! I am glad I continue to look to God to supply all my needs!

I like women who speak from their heart and can use their emotions in a positive, exciting, and Godly way! I like women who enjoy spending time with Jesus (1, 2, 3 hours per day) and keeping their temples healthy and strong. A strong temple can better serve the Lord and can live the abundant life that is written about in the Gospel.

I always tell people I am in training for heaven where there is know sunset and know dawning. You can eat and sleep if you want but you do not have to. Having God's will on earth as it is in Heaven - our model prayer.

Suzanne, you sound like a person who is very happy with life! Praise God! Your finishing high school in 3 years and working a 2am shift is quite an achievement. I believe that a solid foundation is a terrific beginning for a healthy, successful, enthusiastic, and fulfilling life!

Suzanne, I would like to ask you some more questions. Could you answer the rest of the questions from the last letter? When is your Easter vacation? When is school out? Have you ever been to Pittsburgh? How important is age in a relationship? Do you like H2O parks, swimming, and Christian concerts?

That is all for now. Have an enjoyable day! I will be praying for you! I look forward to your reply.


Oh, so many things to discuss. I had a hard time with the fact that he loved to dance with Jesus. I mean, I loved to dance too, but I had no experience with dancing with people who didn't have a physical body, so we would have been very incompatible on the dance floor. I was also disturbed to find out that he wanted to cast out demons and raise the dead. I mean, it's good to have goals and all, but.................

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I really didn't think the good news said anything about laughter being good medicine for the soul, that that phrase was probably coined by Hallmark.

I find it funny that I asked him about his feelings on abortion, and what his favorite music was. I gave him a LOT of rope, apparently I was excited about the hanging I knew I'd see in letter #2...sadistic....

I was impressed that he knew that he listened to gospel music 97% of the time. Not 95%, mind you. 97%. I would have liked to see the pie chart he made to figure out that statistic.

And obviously he wouldn't have approved of the fact that I didn't keep a log of my daily time spent with Jesus. If our relationship had continued, I would have had to ask if his 1, 2 or 3 hours per day time requirement was flexible, because I'd be needing to spend that amount of time per day in the gym, working on my temple. Because while I thought my temple was amazingly hot back then, I had a feeling that "Koach" had higher standards about temples than I did. "Koach" would have expected my temple to be able to do 100 pushups, while I was just happy my temple looked cute in a bikini. You can't have a girl with a perfect strong temple AND her nose in a book for 3 hours a day, "Koach". Something's gotta give.

So when I realized our relationship would consist of H2O parks, gospel music, health prayers, playing sports to strengthen our temples, and LOTS of exclamation points , I had to politely excuse myself from the man known as "Koach". I don't remember exactly how I ended it, probably just by not writing back.

I should have sent him a breakup prayer. Hindsight.........

Thanks for the laughs.

1 comment:

  1. I love that my niece Brooke, after reading this, IM'd me and said "I cannot imagine if the dancing with Jesus guy was my uncle..."
