Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ungame Sunday

Why do I bother with you and I are in a classic one-sided relationship. It's not good for me. I should get out, I should dump you and find a relationship where I get as good as I give. And yet I linger on with you, hoping I can change you. I keep on giving, hoping my acts of love will jar you out of your self-absorbed slumber. The least you can do is participate in Ungame Sunday.

Today's Ungame question:

What is your favorite sport and why?


  1. Here's a shocker, my favorite sport is FOOTBALL - It is a great mix of strategy both during the actual game day contest (and preparation for it) and the off season planning of personnel moves, plus it has the the physical challenges that require a great warrior to take on and and overcome his opponent (the proverbial game-within-a-game).

  2. Favorite, and only, sport: Boxing. Mano y mano and no excuses.

    My wife is the sportster in this family. The only of her traditional sports that I tolerate is ice hockey. Lots of action, speed & skill, with very little stoppage.
