Monday, April 20, 2009

Interview With Zachary

This is a conversation I had with Zachary the other day. He was making me ask him questions.

Highlights include Zachary's attitude towards pets, Zachary trying to name the biggest number in the world, how he would escape from a park, and how he would scratch himself if he had no arms.


  1. now this is what every monday morning post should be!!!!! an interview with zach --- a new topic every monday ........ love his idea of what 'the biggest number' is!!!!

    he makes me laugh outloud :)))

  2. "sugar means kisses in spanish! doesn't it mom?!?!" hahahaha love it!

  3. so funny!!! " i would jump in your van when your going ssssllllooowwwwwwyyyy down the hill and hop in my carseat and magically be there"

  4. I think my favorite was how he loves cats, they're so soft and fuzzy, but if they scratch him he'll cut off their paws with a fingernail clipper...
