Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nothing Comes From Nothing

I watched "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", the Ben Stein Intelligent Design documentary, the other night. So good. It was overflowing with NT temperaments, so of course I was captivated by hearing my language through an entire movie. The animated depiction of the amount of complexity in the single cell was AWESOME. It's on Comcast On Demand right now, if you have Showtime. Some of my thoughts:

The reason that the debate between science and religion sparks such strong reactions is fear. Most scientists are terrified of religion, and most Christians are terrified of science. Both sides are operating out of fear, and in fear there is no growth.

Christians should have no fear of science. The more scientists try to disprove the existence of God, the more they will find Him. Scientists should have no fear of God, because they don't believe He exists.

Darwinists can't explain how the single cell came into existence. They think they have an explanation for how, from it, came human life as we know it, but they can't explain how that first cell came to be. They will throw out some theories, (aliens "seeding" our planet, proteins growing on the backs of crystals) but even they know those theories sound ridiculous.

Their belief that somehow, by some miraculous coincidence, everything that is needed to make the most complex of systems, a self-reproducing single celled organism, came together at the right time is just as unlikely as the belief that an intelligent designer formed that single cell.

The theories are equally ludicrous. And yet one is correct. Darwinists scoff at those who believe in an intelligent designer, and yet they know that their theories sound just as crazy. Neither theory can be proven (although science is trying to prove it with the Large Hadron Collider...which I call the Tower Of Babel 2.0.).

Science and religion, to me, is a beautiful marriage. I "see" God through science. Some Christians see God through other people's actions, but I see God through examining the world He created. The complex workings of the human body, the amazing interlocking workings of a particular ecosystem, pretty much any Discovery channel show, all I see is God God God.

So much more to say, I may have to talk about this again....

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