Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tribute From Pattie McHugh

I want to spend a few posts sharing the comments from the many people who sent messages to my parents for their 50th anniversary. Contacting and communicating with some of the people who have played such large roles in my parents' lives was such a great experience for me. I didn't grow up in the Bob-and-Jan-Navigator era, I was only part of the First Baptist Church/Pro-Life era, so meeting people and hearing stories from the Navigator era was really fun.

I always knew about the impact that my parents had on people, but to hear the stories firsthand was so interesting. I didn't talk to one person who had something casual to say about Mom and Dad.

Pattie McHugh didn't get her message in in time for it to be read at the party itself, so I decided to post it here! Mike McHugh worked with Dad in the Navigators, and this lovely tribute is from his wife, Pattie.

In Honor of Bob and Jan Lewis

Dear Family and Friends of this beloved couple,

I regret that circumstances prevented my attendance at Bob and Jan's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration. Fittingly, I understand it was a lovely, memorable evening. My gratitude for Bob and Jan's godly influence on my husband, Mike, and my life compels me to write this heartfelt, albeit inadequate tribute.

I grew up in a loving, stable family, remarkable in that Dad came from a home broken by divorce and Mom was orphaned at 7 mos. Though churched and godfearing, I did not come to understand the gospel message of salvation from my sin in our Lord Jesus Christ til my late teens.

My first introduction to Bob Lewis was through my future husband. He invited me to hear Bob speak on Deuteronomy at a Virginia Tech bible study in the Navigator home of Warren and Bonnie Bell (where Mike was living at the time). Mr. Lewis made the scriptures come alive that night and, 33 years later, I still remember his words of exhortation. "Do not be like the children of Israel and forget God. Remember, remember, remember His acts of mercy and lovingkindness in your life!" Many conferences and messages came and went and I was privileged to hear Bob share words of wisdom that have benefitted my soul.

Though obviously brilliant and well read, he had the ability to impart truth simply. For example, he illustrated that having the mind of Christ is like a rubber band. It stretches to perform a function. Likewise, our mind must focus to perform many tasks. But when the task is complete, our mind should snap back to focus on Him. Another illustration highlighted the danger of entertaining sin in our lives. He used the picture of an arrow. The arrow has a deceptively tiny point of contact but will quickly press in an everwidening gash in our lives if we allow it. Henry Adams observed, " A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops." I thank God for the call upon Bob to teach the word of God in season and out and for the priceless treasures Mike and I and our children have received as a result.

When I ponder how much Jan has given to me through the years (and yes, I write this with tears in my eyes; eyes that now see through life experience that her generous hospitality cost her dearly), I am reminded of IThessalonians 2:8 "Having thus a fond affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us." Jan lives out an honest walk with God that has no interest in man-pleasing rules. I consistently find my friendship with Jan refreshing and filled with grace. I have found much joy in my attempts to bless the women God has brought across my path with the same life-giving spirit of grace. Jan opened her home and heart to me and modeled a life that was eager to learn. If Jan recommended a book, I made sure I read it. Jan, I just loaned my worn copy of Marriage To a Difficult Man to an appreciative wife! smile! Seriously, I took to heart her encouragement to study the lives of famous men and their women and to make it a lifelong endeavor to understand the husband God gave me. Jan communicated a sincere interest in me as a whole person and mentored me in countless ways. She was even my boss for a time in a business selling fabulous jewelry where I grew in knowledge and confidence. And we had fun doing it!

Jan's willingness to help me extended to my children. She inspired me to understand my children and discern their gifts and how they were bent. Kara, our oldest, still remembers Mrs. Lewis taking her to Chuckie Cheese to celebrate a "Terrific Tuesday!"
Recently, as I have been challenged by trials, I have been comforted by one of Jan's many insightful life illustrations. She said life is like jugglers at the circus. Young moms with little children are like the jugglers, trying to catch all the plates that are flying at them at a rapid frenzy, trying to keep their cool and not drop those plates! As life moves on and the pace slows a bit(...not completely convinced that the pace is slowing all that much, Jan! ;0 ) the jugglers have heavier plates to bear. Jan's words comfort me that I am in the Lord's will, experiencing life's normal passage.

As Mike and I endeavor to imitate Bob and Jan, insofar they are like Christ, and give our lives to things eternal, we have grown in appreciation for the example they set for us. We know full well that we can never repay them and these few words are incommensurate with their legacy.

We feel privileged indeed to be included in the Lewis circle of friendship.
With love and gratitude,

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