Thursday, September 18, 2008

Take Me To Your Leader...Nanu Nanu

It seems like Christians get hung up when they start applying humanity to God.

As Mr. Tumnus says to Lucy Pevensie, in regards to Aslan, "He's not a tame lion, you know...". That line is repeated a few times through the Chronicles of Narnia, whenever anyone tried to speak for Aslan, and assume they knew what he would do.

You have to remember that God is NOTHING that we can understand. NOTHING that we can know. NOTHING like us. All we can know are the little drops of information that He's left us in the Bible. And that ain't much to go on.

You cannot apply Webster's to God. You cannot apply human emotions or human thought to God. You cannot apply time as we know it to God.

So the minute you say "I don't think God would want yadda yadda", or "I can't imagine God would yadda yadda", or "I'm sure God thinks yadda yadda", you're already starting off on the wrong foot.

You CAN'T imagine what God, or how God, or why God. You're incapable of it. So don't even try.

Don't you know your Catechism? God is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in His being. Do you think you know anything about being that??!?!?

What would Jesus do? You can't know! You're not a perfect human. So you can't think perfectly. So you don't have the capability to answer that question. Only another perfect human can answer that.

You can ask What Does The Bible Say Jesus Would Do? But YOU can't presume to know on your own what Jesus would do. (I'm going to make W.D.T.B.S.J.W.D bracelets...think they'll catch on?)

Think of God as an alien, from another solar system. If there are beings living on other planets, we can't even begin to imagine how they would look, how they would think, what their actions would be, what their language would be. We can speculate, but that's it.

This is where faith comes in.

He's not a tame God, you know....

(on a side note, funny story...the first time my mother saw one of those "Live Strong" bracelets, it was on the wrist of a waiter at a restaurant. She says "What is that around your wrist, a flea collar??" I died laughing................)

1 comment:

  1. As I recall, that waiter looked as if he needed a flea collar around his wrist or neck.
