Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Way They Make Me Feel

I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude at having been given children who understand and appreciate the undeniable raw emotion of Barbara Streisand's voice as Yentyl. I mean, those of you who can sit through Yentyl and NOT feel like your heart is being yanked from your chest, YOU people are cold and dead inside, but I wasn't expecting it from children under the age of 6.

That when I brought up "Papa, Can You Hear Me" on my iPod in the car, and immediately saw all 3 of them sit still as statues and gaze off into the distance, warmed my very soul. When my youngest, Zach (2 1/2) said "Mom...hers Papa be dead??", I could have stopped the car and thrown my arms around him and cried "Yes Zach, her Papa be dead, doesn't that just KILL you?!?!?????". When Ava (5) and Cole (6) asked me to play it again 5 times in a row, and Ava said "I like it when she says ".....papa......", I could have bawled.

Thank you Lord for children who can "get it" with me.

Welcome to Being Suzanne Mosley

1 comment:

  1. Yes, your "bubble" family is intense, but more people will relate to my concrete grandson Joshua's retort when being given instructions on how to operate a pool cue, "Grandpa, stop using words!"
