Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My 6'4" Boomerang

So I've mentioned my husband's greatest gift before; the confidence and speed at which he can turn an argument around on you. Not many people can out-word me, and even fewer can out-confidence me, but Eric Mosley comes closer than anyone.

Here's another great example:

One night Eric fell asleep before me. I was reading, and by the time I was ready to go to sleep, he was snoring like a grizzly bear deep in hibernation. Usually a gentle kick or a little push will be enough to get him to roll over, making the snoring stop.

So I nudged him on the shoulder to make him roll over. He woke up a little bit and mumbled, "Why are you pushing me??"

I said, "I can't sleep because you're snoring so loudly!"

He mumbled, quick as wink though still half asleep, "Well, I can't sleep when you're criticizing me!"

I couldn't stop laughing in amazement at his skill. Even in his sleep he's a word boomerang.

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