Saturday, April 14, 2012

My Dawg

This is my public apology to Melissa for seething at her back yesterday while we trained for next weekend's 5k together. For feeling like Dumpy Asthmatic Decrepit Smurf while she bounced along like Peppy Encouraging Bouyant Smurf. For wanting to yell at her, "For the love, if you're gonna run all peppy like that you might as well just start whistling like the 7 stupid dwarfs too!" For having to fight back the urge to slap her silly after each, "Come on, you can do it! We're almost there!!" For almost screaming out, "If you don't start huffing and puffing in 5 seconds, our 30 year friendship is over." For wanting to "accidentally" step on one of her happy rainbow colored laces and make her trip so I'd get 20 seconds to walk.

After all that, she got us both to run our longest and fastest: 3.3 miles at 9.57 minutes per mile. I run much faster when I'm hating on someone. Like those damn dogs that attacked me a few weeks ago. Today, Melissa was my pair of yippy biting dogs. Fortunately, I controlled myself and didn't kick her across the road.

....And I guess she runs faster with the Devil on her heels.

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