Tuesday, November 8, 2011


2011 is going to go down in my personal history as being the year I finally dealt with and SAID the truth. Truth. With nothing else. Just truth. Not truth "as I see it". Not truth covered by hate and anger and happiness and love, but just truth. Black and white. Calling things what they are. Ducks ducks, and spades spades, and pedophiles pedophiles. Here are a just a few of those truths:
  • Do you know what's scarier than monsters, especially to a kid? For everyone else around them to call that monster a nice person. That's a guaranteed way to make that kid's brain mush for a nice long time.
  • It's not un-Christian to say true things.
  • It's not un-Christian to be loyal to one person over another.
  • Forgiveness and trust are not and should not be synonymous.
  • Forgiveness and physical proximity do not have to go together.
  • Life is about choices. This or That. One or The Other. Yes or No. Choosing "both" is the same as not choosing. It's weak, and while it may seem like a lovely option in the beginning, will always lead to pain in the end.

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