Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Um, Gas Stations Will Patch Your Tire For $3

I'm on many Pennsylvania homeschool and cyber school email lists. I receive tens of emails per day with educational resources, field trip information, and general information. Sometimes someone on a list will email something off-topic; information about a yard sale, a prayer request for a family in trouble, etc. Most of these emails get deleted, I scan them and quickly decide whether the information contained within has any bearing on me.

The off-topic emails rarely catch my attention, but the other day I received one that I knew I had to save and share. Background; I don't know this woman at all. She's from a group in Pittsburgh, I think. But remember, she sent this out to a statewide email group. I would venture a guess that 98% of the people who received this email had no idea who this woman was. You have to read this email slowly, preferably out loud with expression. Names have been changed, but the coo-coo-kachoo-edness remains.
"Just want to post an update...I apologize to anyone that has already seen
this, as it is a multiple post to fb and my online groups. So, wow....we have been going thru some stuff! I will start with my husband and work my way down thru the family and onto the other stuff...warning, this will be long...

Dick had to go back to the hospital again, they only kept him overnight this time, but he passed out in our Walmart parking lot...scary. Had all the kids with me. Good thing is, our oldest son, Bobby, was in the back praying (God don't let my dad die, God don't let my dad die) all the way to the hospital. I am incredibly thankful we were only 5 minutes away and that God gave me the insight to call the ER so they were waiting for us. His blood sugar and blood pressure had both dropped. We are getting an insurance check for Dick being a "long term disabled" ...praise God for that! Unfortunately, we have another 2 weeks before we get it. Still waiting on the hearing date for social security.

I have to have physical therapy on my back. The doctor says that I should be better in about 6 months or so, but that was with physical therapy 4-5 days a week. The rehab by me only does them 3 times a week, so we will see how that changes. I go for my evaluation and first therapy appointment this week. I also have an appointment to see the doctor for my right elbow...looks like it needs surgery. I know these things all are going to come together for the Glory of God.

Sue is still having difficulty with her left side going numb...we have had multiple blood tests, an MRI, and CT scan. We go this week to the Neurologist at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh (she has an appointment the same day at Children's for allergies). She is trying to finish up her health and Spanish from last school year (cyber school) as well.

Bobby has been having a terrible time with emotions and paying attention. His chores were not getting done, he was irritating his siblings, and just not listening. We took everything from him, but through prayer and some guidance from those God has put in our lives, we have realized a lot of it is the stuff that has been going on with Dick. He is so close to his dad, and this has taken a serious toll on him. I have decided to alternate chores every month. That way the three oldest will become adept at keeping house and if anything would happen that I cannot do things, I will know they can keep it somewhat in order.

Liza Mae has terrible anxiety. Made worse by what is gong on with Dick. However, her program is moving forward. More about that later...

Bill and Fred are normal (well, somewhat normal, Bill has been diagnosed with PDD/NOS or high functioning autism)...but have been fighting constantly. And hurting each a matter of fact, all the kids have been fighting. I know, deep down, it is mainly from all the stress, but there are days I just want to run that I would ever leave my family, but the thought does cross my mind.

Our house has gone into forclosure. I got the papers from the sheriff last week. It is scheduled for sheriff's sale November 14. I am trying to work with the mortgage company for some kind of program that will allow us to keep our house, but could use a TON of prayers. Dick is incredibly stressed about it. We are both trying to keep the faith, but, sometimes....well, you understand.

Our van is in need of tires and something is going on with the right front wheel...and the right rear has a puncture. Dick sealed it, but it is still leaking. Needs fixed, but no just praying it all holds up. This is our only vehicle, and I do not want to have to resort to calling the Medicare taxi for his dialysis trips....only because sometime it is very late, and sometimes you have to wait HOURS to get picked back up...and the dialysis unit closes right after Dick is done. He is the last patient.

I have been working on things for my space at Craftique. It is very empty, and I think that is one of the reasons sales haven't been good. I got a custom order for letters, and am trying to get it done for tomorrow so I can drop them off at the shop and get some $$$ in for them!

Today, in church, the paster taught on WAITING. WOW, what an encouraging, yet convicting word! We had gotten a prophesy almost 12 years ago, that what I went through with my oldest daughter, Sue, would be used to minister and help others. A few months later, another prophesy, that satan had tried to kill Dick and had not succeeded, his work was not done. Another one, a few years after that, "what your are looking for you will not find in man", about 2 years ago, another prophesy, again, to do with not being in poverty any longer, and always having enough for all we need and more, as well as that my husband will have his own business....and finally, about a year ago, that we will be ministering as a family. Now, first, I try all "words from God" according to THE Word of God...and I know it was God speaking to us each time. None of the people that prophesied over us (generally, my husband and I together) knew us. We did not seek out a prophesy, were instead called out by God to receive His word for us. I admit...about a year ago (a little after the last prophesy) I started questioning these "words"...and God brought tapes and cd's to me that had recordings of these prophesies, and I was able to compare them...all confirmed each, I know it was from God.

But, I started complaining, in my spirit, a little over 6 months ago. And when things really started going downhill for us, financially, physically, and at times, spiritually, I asked God, "WHEN? When is it OUR turn? When are the words your spoke thru your servants going to come to pass? I am tired of fighting, and getting really
frustrated....when are we going to get a break?" Well, as God spoke to my spirit today, I am part of the reason our "time" hasn't come yet. This is my, our, my family's waiting period. I need to be using this time for HIS glory, not complaining, murmering, and getting aggravated with God, my husband, and my family. So, this leads me to the last part of my update..."

Jane then went on to talk about a charity that she's starting, and asked for charitable donations to help get it up and running. She gave her paypal account email to make it easier to send $$.

I read this email out loud to Eric on the way home from Cape May on Sunday, and we must have laughed for a good hour. I can't even begin to write out all of Eric's funny comments, there were way too many. I do remember that when I got to the prophesy paragraph, Eric almost crashed the van yelling, "HOLD UP! Go back and re-read that part, I think my brain just exploded..."

WHO TELLS AN ENTIRE STATE OF STRANGERS ABOUT ALL OF THIS PRIVATE FAMILY BUSINESS?? Oh, people who want attention and money, that's right. I can't even stand it.

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