Friday, June 3, 2011

I'll Stay An Ugly Duckling

I haven't posted all week because I've been in a state of extreme anxiousness. I've had a lot of pain in my lower legs for the past 2 weeks, and wondered if I had fractured my bones. I went to see an orthopaedic guy on Tuesday, and he said I had "for sure" fractured both tibiae. He ordered a bone scan just to see how badly they were fractured. I had the bone scan on Wednesday, and I went back to the doctor on Thursday. I saw a different doctor in the practice, he read my bone scans and said that although they showed a lot of activity in my tibia, he didn't think there were any fractures.

I've never been so happy in my life. I actually teared up and wanted to hug the guy. I didn't, because I'm still an introvert. And how could he know that I've had this scene from Black Swan playing over and over in my head every time I've taken a step in the past 4 days:

But hurray, my legs aren't fractured! I've got shin splints, but no fractures yet. So as long as I take it easy and pay attention to my pain, my legs will heal and I won't fracture my bones. All of my dancing guys are on strict orders to take it easy on me, monitor my pain and make me stop and take a break if my legs hurt. They know they can't count on me to monitor my own pain, I danced a full program with an oozing staph infection in my foot once....

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