Friday, October 15, 2010

Science, Brought To You By Waste Management

Drove the kids and the Cleary kids to Awana last night. When you get a group of 5-8 year olds together, the conversations they have are either way below them, lots of bodily function talk, or it's way above them, with lots of boyfriend/girlfriend/kissing talk. So last night Zach was singing a poop song and Ryan was singing a fart song, and the three big kids were discussing the boyfriends and girlfriends of mutual friends. I decided it was time to turn the conversations around, so I said, "Ok, let's think of something more interesting to talk about. Sarah, what did you learn about in school today?". Sarah says, "Oh! I learned about liquid, gas and solid!". Colson says, "Science isn't interesting...."

To which I said, "Excuse me?? I beg to differ. It's time for a test, everyone be quiet."

Me: Sarah, is a fart a solid, liquid or gas?

Sarah: *giggle giggle, GAS!!

Me: Very good! Why is it a gas?

Sarah: Because it's stinky air!

Me: Yes! Ava, is poop a solid, liquid or gas?

Ava: *giggle giggle, SOLID!

Me: Correct! Colson, is pee a solid, liquid or gas?

Colson: Man, why do I get the easy one? Liquid...

(sounds of kids laughing their little heads off)

Me: Excellent! See kids? Science can be interesting and funny!

Now we just hope that Sarah's teacher doesn't ask her to give an example of a gas tomorrow...

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