Thursday, August 19, 2010


My niece Brooke babysat for me on Friday while I was in Boston. Yesterday she told me how Zachary behaved while she was here:

Did I tell you that Zach was totally trying to charm me Friday? I don't know if there was something he wanted but he never asked, but he actually ran up and gave me a hug when I got there, came upstairs often to see how work was...

When I went down to make them lunch I made pb&j on hamburger buns, and he said "oh wow, Mom has never made us pbj on that round bread. you are the fastest lunch maker."

Then when I was done working I went downstairs and Cole and Zach were goofing off and throwing pillows so I told them to go run around outside. And I offered to have a catch with them if they went outside quickly. Zach ran towards the garage and then ran back and stopped me and said wait, and he had to hug me and say "I like you!"

I was like okay, go! I told them to get a football from the garage and I'd play. Cole says "do you even know how to play football or throw one?" Zach says "Cole, I think she knows!" So I purposely threw it so Cole couldn't catch it for about 15 throws. (Yes, I was like you think you can talk crap?? Lets see your moves, kid.)

Later they got a soccer ball and the net out and the Cleary kids and Ava came to play. They all said I had to say go, to make sure they ALL started at the same time, and 3 or 4 times during the game, I'd get ready to say go and Zach would yell WAIT!! and run in his flip flops from the goal up to the front step to me and he'd have to hug and kiss me and then run back.

Each time he'd say I like you, Brooke. I said I like you too but this game is NEVER going to end!!

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