Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sarah's Key

I just finished reading Sarah's Key, by Tatiana De Rosnay. It was one of those delicious stories that wrenches your soul apart and leaves it in pieces on the ground.

I had a visceral reaction to the key moment in the story, the moment that defines Sarah's life. My stomach actually convulsed at the horror that I knew was about to happen. As the parents and the girl were taken away, I could physically feel what the parents were feeling, knowing what was most likely going to happen to their son. That feeling, knowing you have absolutely no control over the situation, and there is nothing you can do to fix it...horror. Complete horror.

When the girl goes back, I knew what she was going to find, and yet my brain kept whispering, "Oh please let it be different, please let it be different..."

I couldn't identify with Julia's driving need to find Sarah's son and tell him the story, but it was interesting to find out about Sarah's adult life. Realizing how that moment had dictated the rest of her life... Understandably so, especially if you don't believe in the sovereignty of God.

I always say that without a belief in the sovereignty of God, suicide IS the only answer that makes sense. Nothing makes sense without that belief. If you don't get your peace from the knowledge that everything has been planned and ordered by God for a specific purpose, why live?

Anyway, if you're in the mood for a soul wrenching, horror filled novel (what? that's not what everyone is looking for in a book??), pick this one up.

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