Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fight Or Flight

My husband hates it when I shriek while he's driving...you know what I'm talking about, when you're riding in the passenger seat, and you see something that you think the driver doesn't, and you gasp or grab the dashboard.

I did it in the car the other day, and Eric jumped. "Don't DO that!!". He said, "You have no idea what happens to me when you scream while I'm driving. Adrenaline starts racing through my blood and my testosterone levels rise sky high. When you yell like that, I turn into the protective caveman who sees his woman about to be attacked by a tiger. I go into fight or flight mode, and I'm ready to fight!!".

I said, "Who are you kidding, you'd choose flight over fight every single time..."

Eric: Well yeah, if my opponent is a tiger, of course I'm going to choose flight!

Me: Um, you think you can outrun a tiger?

Eric: I've got a car, I can beat the tiger every time!

Me: Your analogy is existing in two different ages now, which makes it invalid.

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