Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is This Thing On?

The other day my brother Andrew ,my sister Amy, Mom and I were group chatting in Gmail. Amy signed off, and then both Mom and I wandered off from our computers without telling Andrew that we were finished. So he decided to ramble to himself for awhile in the chat box. When I sat back down in front of the computer and read what he'd typed, I laughed so hard I almost cracked a rib. So now I will share his "I'm lonely in this chat box" rambling...

Andrew: so, no one talks to me wife says i'm paranoid-and that I expect too much from people..."Not everyone needs to laugh all the time"

I just laugh

testing, testing...
i hear crickets.

there's cobwebs in this chat box
wow - i just sound
i think i'm at the nexus of the universe
where you can chat forever...time doesn't exist
there used to be vestiges of chatting the legends go
stories of a woman living on a flat with wheels and propane
and naked street fauns with little memory of their childhood

I feel like a street corner preacher
(Jan left the chat)

"home one chatted back again today"
"that's nice, here's your mac and cheese"
"a woman walked out just as I pleaded for her save herself
"she ignored i was nothing"
"uh huh, where's the remote"
"I'm dying here woman...this is my life"
"Shhh - Law and Order is about to come on"
"UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH...all I wanna do is chat with someone...why is God around when I wanna chat?"
"sheesh - you're so selfish, eat your dinner and shut the F up"
"aw...nevermind...I'll be in the tub"
"ok honey - you'll feel better"
"...what? i couldn't hear you, the bath water was running"
"SHHHHHH - my show is on"
"ok...ok...I'm getting in now"
"CRAP! - I dropped my HoHo in the water again - it's floating!!!!"

once there was a chat with people
once there was a read other people's chat
reading's fun...when it's someone else's words
reading your own like
freaky stupid

what was that?
thought i heard someone else typing...
it was my cat lickin his hand quarters...

wonder if there is a limit to how much one person can chat
before a google script fires back...
ADMIN: it appears like you have no friends...hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE to receive an electric shock to stop your heart from beating, as you clearly don't need to live.

my friend Tom says...that when he chats, other people talk back to him...
I tell him he's a dreamer

1 comment:

  1. ......ah, my family is so funny...........i am not..........oh, well - at least it's good to be in a funny family.
