Friday, July 17, 2009

How Enters, How Sees Girl...

I was checking out at Walmart today and the cashier asked to see my driver's license, since my debit card signature was rubbed off. I showed her my I.D., and she says, "Wow, you really changed your hair color!". (My driver's license is from 2005 and I hadn't gotten highlights in at least a year, so my hair was really dark blonde. It was also very greasy and slicked back that day).

I said, in my best "do NOT continue this conversation" tone, "Yes."

She then said, "How comes?".

How comes. Really?

Unless you are describing the apex of the American-Indian porn star's scene in his latest feature, you cannot say How comes. (Think about it, think about enjoy the funny!)

To continue the downward spiral of this conversation, after I answered, "Just wanted a change", she says, "You looked better as a brunette!"

Why do Walmart workers speak?

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