Friday, May 1, 2009

Eek, A Mouse!

My kids have always been drawn to the computer. All three of them started playing on the computer before they turned two. I stocked up on all of my favorite toddler game series, Putt-Putt, Freddy Fish, Pajama Sam, Reader Rabbit, and I taught them how to go to certain websites to play games;,, and the like. From a young age my kids have always known computer terminology, since I always used proper terms when explaining to them how to do things.

When Cole and Ava were maybe 2.5 and 3.5, I noticed something. When we would be driving, they would point out "mouses". As in, "Look! There's a mouse!"...."Another mouse!"...."Ava look! A mouse!".

It took this happening a few times before I figured it out. It only happened on major roads, never on back roads. And they would be pointing to street signs when they said it, such as this one:

Do you see the "mouse"?

I loved so much that they called arrows "mouses" that I didn't correct them for the longest time. My mother finally made me tell them, and it was a sad, sad day.

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