Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Don't Repeat Myself

Eric called from Walmart yesterday, and he asked if there was anything he could bring me that would bring me joy and satisfaction.

Me: Yes, a Wii Fit.

Eric: Wow, you still want that?

Me: Yes, when we bought the Wii I said we could buy it as long as I could get Wii Fit.

Eric: But you only said it once, and that was months ago!

Me: Haven't you learned that I only say things that I really mean? That I don't say anything impulsively?

Eric: When I want something I make sure I say it over and over and over.

Me: No kidding...

Eric: Well, I have the memory of a gnat, so you need to say these things more than once. (just so you know, he doesn't have the memory of a gnat, he has the SELECTIVE memory of a razor sharp defense attorney with a genius IQ.)

Me: When I say something, it's what I really mean. And as such, I won't say it again. Unless and until I have changed my mind about said subject. Then I will let you know my new position, and that position will stand.

Eric: Ah, this explains why I say I love you every single day, and you said it once back on June 23rd of 2005....

Me: Exactly. And that will stand unless or until my position on that subject changes....Then I'll be sure to let you know my new opinion..!!


  1. For the record... I said "June 26, 2001" which is our wedding day, not June 23, 2005 which is Zach's birthday. I swear I have the only wife in the whole world that doesn't remember her own wedding anniversary!

  2. For the record, Zach's birthday is AUGUST 23, 2005. I swear I have the only husband in the world who doesn't remember his children's birthdays.
