Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Dreams May Come

I am interrupting my regularly scheduled post again to bring you another whacked out dream from last night.

I was on vacation with a large group of people, a group that seemed like a large group of close friends (that's when I knew it was a dream; me? having a large group of friends? and going on vacation with them??).

We were in a very remote location, at a farmhouse that was at the bottom of a deep valley. There was an extremely large pool in the backyard.

The dream turned into a nightmare when we decided to swim in the pool. After a few minutes, we realized that the water was after us. It was choosing people randomly and turning into some sort of acid and killing them. The rest of us tried to save the dying people, but couldn't. We got out of the water and somehow figured out that we had heard that the water in the area wanted revenge on humans.

We looked into the pool again, and saw little baby corpses at the bottom of the pool. Looking closer, we realized they were dolls, and someone said out loud "Oh, the people who were here last must have tricked the water by feeding it dolls to satisfy it's hunger for humans".

We were about to do the same thing, but it was too late. The water had heard us, and knew we were going to try to continue the ruse. From inside the house, I looked out the window and saw the water rising in the pool. It was rising fast, and was soon spilling over, and heading for the house.

I yelled at everyone that the water was coming for us, and we had to leave. But only a few people listened to me. A few of us ran out to a Jeep, got in and started driving up the hill. As we drove, we saw more water pouring over the cliffs into the valley, from other water sources. We knew the rest of the people at the farmhouse were going to die in the valley.

Then I woke up.


  1. Might I recommend a nightcap of Whiskey?

  2. you are sooo weird!! and what is even weirder is that you remember the dream in vast detail........

  3. "weirder"?! I am as embarrassed as the day, at age 4 or 5, when she ripped open the other poor kid's birthday presents. Amy, humor me. Next time just post anonymously.

  4. Amy's using poor grammar and Eric's encouraging me to drink. My siblings are lovely role models.

    ....No wonder I'm weird.

  5. you are 'weirder' - use the right terminology..................

  6. So what I am hearing is... Andrew is the NORMAL one?!? Huh!

  7. No, Andrew's just the one who doesn't get involved. If you're not there, no one can call you a name..!!

  8. You and Eric Lewis need to change your Blogger names to ELew and EMo. Can only tell who wrote what by looking at the pictures...

    Well, I guess content will also tell, at least for those who know you both.

  9. Okay, I changed my profile. Looks like it doesn't update old entries.
