Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The End Of Disney

We watched Wall-E with the kids on Sunday morning. I haven't been so disgusted since Happy Feet (which had to be written by Al Gore, with the subtext being "HUMANS BAAAAD, ANIMALS GOOOOOD!!!).

Please, keep political propaganda away from children's movies. Disney should be ashamed.

The premise of Wall-E goes like this:

Bad humans are swept away by consumerism and fill the world with trash, to the point that they have to move to outer space. Wall-E machines are working tirelessly to clean up the bad humans' mess here on earth. The humans are living on this big Starship Enterprise type ship in space. They don't walk anymore, they ride around on electric lounge chairs. Every single human is obese. And I mean OBESE. They are ordering supersize drinks from their lounge chairs, playing virtual sports, all from their chairs.

When I first saw all the obese humans riding around, I thought I was going to fall off the couch. Are you kidding me?? Eric was also shocked.

Now, is it true that humans are fat and lazy and ruled by consumerism? Yes! But is that appropriate Disney children's movie fodder? Disney movies are supposed to be about fantasy.

Not to mention that the romance between Wall-E and EVE is SO CREEPY!! At times I had to turn my head away, it made me so uncomfortable.

It's very sad to me, as I grew up enamored by Disney movies. I can't watch a Disney movie without getting warm fuzzies in my soul.

What's next, Disney? A movie about animated monkeys having abortions? Circus animals complaining about the cost of healthcare? Cartoon insects handing over national ID cards to the policing owls?

We've come a long way since Cinderella, baby.......

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