Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Do I Know I've Grown Up?

Eric and I host a cocktail party every Christmas. Each year I include another niece/nephew, as they all transition from child to adult. This year, Brianne got her first invite. The day after she received it, I got this instant message from her:

Brianne: WOOHOO!

Me: What?

Brianne: My prize for having a baby is finally getting an invite to the cocktail party!

Me: Ah, yes, the rite of passage...the cocktail party invite. Yes, giving birth to a baby finally moved you into the adult category.

Brianne: I'm so honored! I'd like to thank the little people...

1 comment:

  1. 2 comments-

    #1- BRITNEY SPEARS "NOT A GIRL, NOT YET A WOMAN"? Seriously....?

    #2 Yes, I'd truely like to thank all the little people!!
