Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Good To Be King

It's great to know that you're being heard and understood by your children.

My son Colson staunchly believes that everything and everyone exists to make his life better and easier. I find myself saying to him on a regular basis, "Colson, NO ONE CARES about what you want, and it is NOT all about you!".

So yesterday, I told Colson to do his homework, which involved cutting and pasting. There was a glue stick upstairs at Ava's desk. I told him to go up to Ava's desk and do his homework up there. He said no, he would bring the glue stick down and do his homework at the table (extrovert). I said no, I want the glue stick to stay where it belongs, not be carried all over the house.

So he looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed and says "Mom, it's not all about YOU!!!".

Good effort, Cole! In a regular debate, you would have just scored a point.

Unfortunately for you, in this case, me being the parent, you being the child, it IS all about me.

Sorry about your luck............

But at least now I know he gets what I've been saying for so long. He can't play the ignorant card anymore. Not sure that was his goal.

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