Friday, September 5, 2008

Leaving A Legacy Sounds Tiring...

Dear Bob and Jan,
Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary! You both seem far too young for that milestone. God certainly has blessed you both through your children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren. Plus, there were many many more that you “raised”!

In 1967-1968 you graciously brought me into your home while Eric, Amy and Andrew were very young. I was your first “teenager”. I had no where else to live. How can I ever express my deep gratitude to the Lord for both of you. I know it wasn’t easy – it was a challenge – having me there, but you made me part of your family that year and I will always be so grateful.

Thank you for being towers of strength to the Lord for me and others, so many others through the years. I feel so honored that God allowed me to be in your home that year. How very gracious of the Lord to give me Godly examples during such a vulnerable time in my life. Your living examples of Godliness paved a pattern for me to follow.

As Paul states in Phillipians 1, “Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart.”
May God continue to bless you and your dear family as you faithfully follow Christ and lead others to Him.
Love, Leonore and Harvey Friez

Dear Suzanne,
Your Dad and I worked together in the pro-life rescue movement; I have often shared jail cells with him. Beyond that, he showed great courage in taking a leadership position in pro-life rescue, at a time when many others, who should have joined him, ducked out. I am well aware he suffered because of his activities on behalf of our unborn brothers and sisters. Truly, he is one of the pro-life movement’s heros. I would add that he is my personal hero; I admire and respect him immensely. God bless Bob and Jan on their 50th. Ad multos annos!
Joesph Wall

Dear Bob and Jan,
Congratulations! Fifty years of faithful covenant unity is sure a great testimony of God’s faithfulness to a lost world. Your lives of dedicated service has obviously been paid back, multiplied by God.

I first met Bob in the early 70’s through Larry Heppes, who Bob was discipling. Hearing about Bob and watching his life of dedication to service, bible study, scripture memory, meditation in the word, encouragement of young believers greatly influenced me. God put a zeal for evangelism in me and a love for discipleship. As for me and my family we are still, in a large measure because of you, serving the Lord as our major thrust in life.
We give you a great WELL DONE God’s good and faithful servants.
We love you both
Jack and Nancy Daggett

Dear Bob and Jan,
My memories are fond, and the time I spent with your family was a happy and rewarding one.
I still remember lots of cups of coffee with Bob, and his great generosity toward me in the work of the ministry. He took time to talk to me, and let me “drive” often enough to get me feet under me. His version of wisdom was always something pithy, a saying or a hand gesture that reinforced a guiding principle (like “prior preparation prevents poor performance” or the three-stage hand movement describing three levels of “having your people” --- from the closed fist which grips them, to the open hand on which they rest of their own accord, to the upside down hand where they have to cling tightly to stay onboard!

And as for Jan, I will never forget “creating” that little musical number we pieced together from show tunes, about the whole life experience of a couple from courtship (“I am sixteen going on seventeen”) to marriage (“ease on down the road”) to children (“It’s a hard knock life” and “little girls”) to sometime in the middle years (I think it was a tune from My Fair Lady, but I forget which one?) to the wishfulness for more (my big number “If I were a rich man”) and finally to the wistful look backward (“Sunrise, sunset”). We made quite a couple, Jan and I!

I wish I could be with you all for the big celebration. I am sure more memories would come flooding back, and we would all laugh and cry.
Be assured that we love you, and wish the very best for you by the grace of God.
Still yours,
Craig and Betsy

Congratulations, Bob and Jan - what a huge milestone! I'm so sorry I can't be there for the party to celebrate with you - I can't think of another 50th anniversary party I'd rather be a part of than yours. Bob, you have taught me so much... I think I refer to you at least once a day on average, sharing some truth that you have imparted to me. I am so thankful that the Lord placed me in Prison Fellowship and allowed me to have you as my supervisor and then to continue working with you for a few more years. You have really revolutionized my theology and my understanding of a life that pleases the Lord.

As Graham and I (hopefully) start a family soon, I feel so much better prepared for marriage, parenting, involvement in the church, etc. than I was when I first met you. I hope that by the time I'm your age and having a 50 year anniversary party with Graham that I will be able to look back and have positively influenced even half of the lives you have. Thank you for your patience, teaching, guidance and love over the last few years. And Jan, thank you for sharing him with so many others to do all of this discipleship work and for keeping him in line and healthy along the way! I have really enjoyed getting to meet you and spend a little bit of time with you and seeing what an incredible woman you are. Only a strong, beautiful, wonderful woman could walk through life with Bob. God bless you both as you continue into the next 50 years of your marriage :)

Katie Clark

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