Thursday, October 30, 2008

Willy Nilly Silly Old Bear

If I hear one more celebrity talk about the dying polar bears, I'm going to scream. They're not even talking about global warming at this point, they're talking specifically about the dying polar bears. (I mean, if they really believe the earth is heating up so fast, why bother with the polar bears? That's like the proverbial thimble on the Titanic.)

Here's my take on the polar bear crisis:

If you believe in the theory of evolution, why isn't polar bears dying out part of that evolving? Evolution hasn't just stopped, right? Maybe the polar bears are supposed to die, so that a certain species of fish can flourish, and by flourishing, will eventually evolve into some new amazing half fish/half land mammal creature?

If you were alive when the dinosaurs started facing extinction, would you have tried to save them? Would we have seen celebrities on TV asking everyone to donate money to save the poor dinosaurs? Noooo, we're very happy about the possible climate change that brought the extinction of the dinosaurs.

What is the big deal about polar bears anyway? If they were to all die out, how would your life be different?

How often do you sit around and say "Man, I miss those dodo birds...". "Life sure hasn't been the same since the Falkland Islands Wolf...".

How many psychiatrists do you think get patients who say "Doc, I just can't sleep knowing that there are no more Japanese Sea Lions! I can't take it anymore!"

Why are people in such a tizzy over losing the polar bear? Is it Coke's fault? Is it just because polar bears are more well-known animals? Is it because they're cute and furry? Or is it because Americans are easily swayed by people like Al Gore?

Do you even know how many species of animals are on this planet??? We can afford to lose a few.

In the words of the naturalist, It's the circle of life, people..................

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