Wednesday, September 10, 2008

20 Questions With Zach

Zachary had his three year checkup last week. During checkups, the doctors ask "developmental" questions. For this appointment, one of the sections was questions that the child had to give an answer to. For instance "What do you do when you're cold?" "What do you do when you're hungry?".

Well, Zachary LOVED this concept. He made me continue the "game" long after the doctor's appointment was over. In the car on the way home, he would ask "do another one, Mom!". After he would answer, he would ask "Is that the correct answer, Mom?".

So I was making up questions for him. Here are some of my favorite responses:

Me: "What do you do when there is no food in your house?" (assuming he'd say go to the grocery store)

Zach: "DIE!"

Me: "What do you do when you don't have any money?"

Zach: "Steal some!"

Me: "What do you do if Mommy and Daddy fall down and die?"

Zach: "Play football on the playstation all by myself for awhile, and then you will come alive later!"

I love that kid.............

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